Bali Reopens to International TravelersIt has been a long 2 years since we have been able to share our island paradise with you all and we are over the moon that as of yesterday, 7 March 2022, Visa on Arrival into Bali has been re-instated for 23 countries.
Visa On Arrival
Effective as of March 7, 2022 for the countries listed below. Cost is IDR 500.000 per person including children and payable upon arrival in Bali by MasterCard or Visa or in IDR cash at the prevailing rate of exchange.
Countries applicable for VOA
For travellers arriving directly to Bali – not Jakarta or other airports:
New Zealand
South Korea
Those travellers holding a B211A visa will be subject to the same Pre-flight and entry conditions.
Pre-Flight: subject to change due to the dynamic nature of the trial period.
- Completed e-HAC which is in the Peduli Lindungi App
- Double or tripple vaccination certificate – paper based copy
- PCR Test negative result 2×24 hour – paper based copy
- Completed e-CD (Customs App)
- Paid accomodation booking with a CHSE certified hotel (Which Ceningan Resort is) for minimum of 3 consecutive nights in one hotel/resort/villa. Or book your entire stay with your favorite hotel/resort/villa that is CHSE certified. For both VOA and eVISA holders as well as non Bali resident Indonesian Passport holders.
- For any traveller who has booked a tour package with a travel agent they will need to show the proof of confirmation from the Travel Agent of booking and payment for the 3 Nights / 4 Days as well as the relevant visa for entry ( VOA or eVisa)
- For Bali Residents both Indonesian and Foreign Passport holders you will need to show proof of identity card or KTP and can await their results of PCR testing at their place of residence and may not interact with other people until a negative result is received.
- Immigration documents ( Passport, Visa, Stay Permit)
- Nationality Passport which is valid and still valid for at least 6 months.
- A return ticket or a one-way ticket to continue the journey to another country.
- Other required documents in accordance with the provisions of the Head of the Covid-19 Task Force Handling,
- Travel insurance
- Completed Quarantine Precision App
Vaccination requirements
Both 2 Doses or 3 Doses ( Booster) are accepted.
USD25,000 with COVID coverage
PCR Testing
Upon arrival, you will be required to purchase your first PCR test at the airport. Once you are tested and clear the airport arrival procedures you will need to await your test results in your hotel room or place of residency. Day 3 test will be done at the hotel with the appointed lab and guests will be required to pay for the test directly to the lab which will be in the Peduli Lindungi app. Click here for more information on current PCR testing prices.
Failure to undertake the test on day 3 will result in a black message on the Peduli Lindugi app which may prevent you from entering the hotel and other places where you need to scan the QR code for entry. It may also stop you from continuing your journey after three days.
Booking with a hotel/resort/villa that is CHSE certified for a minimum number of 3 consecutive nights in one hotel/resort/villa. Or simply book your entire stay with Ceningan Resort, which is CHSE certified.
Travellers remain responsible for verifying all documents required for the date they anticipate entering.
We will keep you updated on any further information we receive but for now, the Bintang’s are chilling, the Mola’s are jumping, the mantas are gliding and all the staff here are waiting to welcome you back to Nusa Ceningan with a warm smile!