Join us for the second annual PADI Women’s Dive Day on Saturday, 16 July 2016.
The inaugural 2015 PADI Women’s Dive Day was a historic day for diving. In just its first year, PADI Dive Centers and Resorts hosted more than 335 events in 65 countries on all seven continents. As a result, PADI female certifications increased noticeably in 2015, narrowing the gender gap by more than one percent over 2014, the largest year-over-year change in the past decade.
This was possible thanks to the enthusiasm and participation from PADI Members around the world who got behind this new initiative. Let’s do it again, only bigger. More new divers. More ambassadors for the underwater world.
Participate in PADI Women’s Dive Day 2016 to strengthen and grow the female diver community, attract new women to the sports of scuba diving and freediving, and motivate existing female divers to get back in the water and continue their dive training.

Ceningan Divers’ PADI Women’s Dive Day 2016 Special Trip
Ceningan Divers’ team is dedicated to the ongoing promotion of dive training for women. With this in mind, we created a special event for this year’s PADI Women’s Dive Day on Saturday, 16 July 2016:
When: Saturday July 16th 2016 @8am
Cost: 1.201.600Rp *Special Discounted Trip followed by a FREE Sangria Brunch. (Barbacoa Plater + 1 Glass of Sangria. * Pitcher of Sangria will be on Special 200,000Rp per litre). *We only have 8 spaces available for this special trip*
Non-Diving friends can try the PADI Discover Scuba Diving FREE in our Pool on July 16th 2016 (We have 4 free spot – Please book ahead).