Dive Against Debris
One of our environmental commitement at Ceningan Divers and Ceningan Resort is to eliminate the use of disposible plastic products from our operations.
Did you know that a staggering 250 million metric tons of plastic could make its way to the ocean in the next 10 years? And that as much as 70 percent of marine litter has been estimated to end up on the seabed.
How will we achive this?
With your help!
By doing dive against debris, host local clean up events, runeduational workshops to help people understand how our litter makes its way from land to sea, we hope we can become part of the solution and not the cause of the problem.
Together, we can help by saying „no to plastic bags“, by using refillable bottle for our drinking water, and by eliminating the use of disposable plastic items from our daily consumption.
You can learn more about this initiative from Project AWARE.
Watch and Share the Ugly Journey of Our Trash.
Help by educating your community, friends and colleagues on how our rubbish becomes the ocean’s problem.
#UglyJourneyofTrash #conservation #ProjectAWARE #PADI
Contact us for more information or/and to help us with our conservation efforts