Dive Against Debris One of our environmental commitement at Ceningan Divers​ and Ceningan Resort​ is to eliminate the use of disposible plastic products from our operations. Did you know that a staggering 250 million metric tons of plastic could make its way to the ocean in the next 10 years? And that as much as 70...
Smart Marketing = Increased Customer Satisfaction Last week, Ark, Sandra and myself attended the PADI Business Academy in Sanur, Bali. What is the Business Academy? The Business Academy introduced attendees to numerous updates covering email marketing tactics, social media developments, PADI’s eLearning and ScubaEarth potential, search engine optimisation, data mining and effective pricing and sales strategies. Through hands-on...
Many people who meet divemasters or instructors during their dive travels comment about how they envy the lifestyle, work and freedom. The truth is, life can be pretty amazing when you leave the hard-pressed realities of urban living behind to explore new and exotic destinations. Rewarding Dive Careers Becoming a professional diver is a very rewarding career...
Nusa Penida – Coral Triangle On a much larger scale, Bali and Nusa Penida have the distinction of being located in the Southwest corner of what is referred to as The Coral Triangle. This area, which includes six countries, is recognized as the global center of marine biodiversity. Considered the underwater equivalent of the Amazon...
100% Dedicated to Ocean Conservation We are happy to announce that Ceningan Divers is now a 100% AWARE Partner Center.. Ceningan Divers takes ocean protection to heart, we are a 100% AWARE Partner. We support a clean, healthy ocean by making a donation on behalf of each of our students to Project AWARE. When you take a PADI...
Nusa Penida Marine Protected Area Just 25 kilometers from Bali on the northeastern edge of the Indian Ocean lie the beautiful islands of Nusa Penida, Nusa Lembongan and Nusa Ceningan. Swathed with a rich history of black magic and evil spirits, they have become somewhat of a mystery for many. In the early 18th century,...
Dive with an Experienced Team Are you looking for a unique Bali scuba diving experience the way it was 20 years ago? You deserve a dive holiday from which you return, both invigorated and inspired. What is your perfect dive holiday? We hope that you enjoy exploring new destinations, blazing your own path, spending time...
We are happy to announce that later this year, we will open our new PADI 5 Star Dive Resort, the first dive operation on Nusa Ceningan. As you can imagine, this is a very exciting time in our lives. We have so much work ahead of us. Over the next months, we will share more...