I'm excited to share that Ceningan Divers has once again ranked at the top of the Green Fins Top-10 Global Operator list. This year, we're thrilled to co-share the spotlight with Evolution, as both of our operations have achieved perfect scores in our annual assessments. This remarkable achievement is a testament to our continuous commitment...
Welcome to a week like no other at Ceningan Divers! We're thrilled to announce our upcoming AWARE Week, a vibrant celebration of marine conservation, education, and action. From September 16th to 24th, join us in exploring the wonders of our oceans and, most importantly, adopting a blue mindset. At Ceningan Divers, we understand that every...
Congratulations to Ceningan Divers for winning the Dive Resort of the Year at BlueGreen360 Awards held on April 12, 2019 at ADEX in Singapore, for championing environmental sustainability and ocean conservation in the marine tourism industry.
The Dive Travel Awards 2018 winners were announced earlier today at DEMA, we are extremely happy to share that Ceningan Divers won 3rd place in The Best Dive Centres and Resorts in the World category. Siladen Resort and Spa, also last year’s winners, mounted a very determined campaign to see them take first place again...
The Dive Travel Awards 2018 Vote is now open! Please take 30 seconds to vote for Ceningan Divers! A total of 71 destinations, 461 dive centres or resorts and 208 liveaboards were nominated by DIVE’s readers, but only the Top Twenty-five in each category were sent through to the final vote. Voting is open until...
This week we welcome Green Fins assessors Jaya and Martheen to our resort, they spent a day with our team assessing our operation, diving with us and providing us with valuable training to ensure we succeed in our goals and continue on the right path with our efforts. As part of the Green Fins evaluation...
Blue Green 360 Awards Year 2: Shining The Spotlight On Businesses Promoting Sustainability In The Marine Tourism Industry Singapore – Four businesses and one individual championing ocean protection conservation and sustainable business practices in the marine tourism industry were honored at BlueGreen360 Awards held on April 6, 2018 at this year’s Asia Dive Expo in Suntec City...